HIMSS Certification
Digital transformation is just the beginning

The healthcare institutions below underwent an audit process carried out by HIMSS , proving that they complied with the requirements of the EMRAM maturity model, one of the 7 models developed by the American organization.
EMRAM is a maturity model created to guide the digital transformation in hospitalized healthcare institutions. Focusing on care systems, the model assesses the use of information to guide patient care and the creation of data to support decision-making ( data-driven) .
Achieving Stage 6 and 7 of this maturity model is a key milestone in becoming a digital hospital.
Discover the certified institutions:
Stage 7:

Unimed Recife III Hospital
Recife (PE), Brazil

Italian Hospital of Buenos Aires
Buenos Aires, Argentina

Colombia International Hospital
Piedecuesta, Colombia

hospital BP
São Paulo (SP), Brazil

Dr. Miguel Soeiro Hospital
Sorocaba (SP), Brazil

Cardiovascular Institute
Floridablanca, Colombia

BP Lookout
São Paulo (SP), Brazil

Márcio Cunha Hospital
Ipatinga (MG), Brazil
Stage 6:

Unimed Bauru Hospital
Bauru (SP), Brazil

Unimed Hospital
south capixaba
Itapemirim Waterfall
(ES), Brazil

Hospital Moinhos de Vento
Porto Alegre(RS), Brazil

Hospital Unimed Rondonópolis
Rondonópolis (MT), Brazil

Hospital Unimed Volta Redonda
Volta Redonda (RJ), Brazil